Modular InnoSetup Dependency Installer. ISTool - extends Inno Setup but I just needed the isxdl.dll downloader. And need to install DirectX as a dependency.
DirectSetup for Inno (formerly ISX DSetup DLL) 1.0.0 Description:
DirectSetup for Inno (formerly ISX DSetup DLL) was designed to be an extension for Inno Setup that allows you to check and update DirectX during the installation process.
It was primarily written for use by Inno Setup, but any program that can use DLLs can also make use of this library.
To use ISX DSetup DLL, you will need to have the DirectX SDK installed on your computer. (You can find the SDK at
If you want to use the DLL as an extension for Inno Setup, you will need to place DSETUP.dll from the RedistDirectX9 folder into the same folder as isxdx.dll -- note that this legally requires you to include all the required redistributables from the SDK as specified in {SDK_DIR}DocumentationLicense Agreementsdirectx redist.txt.
ISX DSetup DLL comes with two sample scripts for Inno Setup. isxdx_demo.iss is a simple script that brings up a message box showing the currently installed version of DirectX during installation. isxdx_dxredist.iss is a shell that with a few changes gives you a starting point for including the DirectX redistributables in your setup package.
If you wish to use ISX DSetup DLL and have not begun creating your own setup script, it is advised that you edit isxdx_dxredist.iss.
DirectSetup for Inno (formerly ISX DSetup DLL) 1.0.0 Requirements:
· Inno Setup
· DirectX SDK
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directx - inno setup
DirectSetup for Inno (formerly ISX DSetup DLL) security information
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Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers in feature set and stability.
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