Secrets On Power Supply Repair and Troubleshooting-Solving Problems And Failure in Switch Mode Power Supplies. A Switch Mode Power Supply. The power supply repair is one of the most challenging tasks for an electronic repairer and once you have mastered the circuit and repair technique, to troubleshoot other types of circuit such as the color. Introduction The switchmode power supply (SMPS) Until the. 1970s or so, most. Recommended Troubleshooting & Repairing LCD TVs Ebook. Learn how to.
Troubleshooting & Repairing Switch Mode Power Supplies Ebook screenshot. Troubleshooting and repairing Switch Mode Power. Ebook Switch Mode Power.
It is an unavoidable fact that smartphones can, and do, break. When they do, people want to get them repaired, but often the only option they have is to take theirdevice back to wherever they purchased it from and have the merchant return it to the manufacturer. This process of sending it away, having it repaired, and sending it back can take days, orsometimes weeks if the fault is serious, and this can be frustrating and inconvenient for the owner. Being able to repair smartphones for people in your local area could give you agreat opportunity to start your own business, or add a repair service to your existing business if you already deal in electronics or phones. You can get started straight away by signing up to ourfree email newsletter, which will give you great tips to help you get started.
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Trends and Facts About Smartphone & Laptop Repair Business
1. Nearly 52% of the World’s population has Internet access – that’s just under4 BILLIONpeople. Those numbers areheavily influenced by North America and Europe where Internet penetration is over 80% for each continent.
2. Smartphone & Laptop repair is a major segment of the industry. IBISWorld estimates the yearly revenue of the cell phone repair industry at $4 billion, with an annual growth rate of 3%.
3. SquareTrade, a company that insures smartphones, reports “a cellphone in the U.S. breaks every two seconds.” Fragile LCD assembly, short battery life and other breakable parts also contribute to astable market for smartphone repair shops. Tablet repair is also quickly gaining market share.
Smartphone Repair Course
In order to be able to repair smartphones, you will need to have an in-depth understanding of smartphones, how they work, and all their internal components. Asmartphone repair course is the best way to get this knowledge, as it will allow you to learn in a structured and simple way. Our smartphone repair course is a series of lessions, taught bypeople who have expert knowledge of repairing smartphones. Each lessions covers a major fault that smartphones are likely to develop, showing you how to identify the problem and how to repair orreplace the faulty parts. Our course is a simple and easy way to learn everything you need to about how smartphones work and how to be able to repair them.
Learn Step By Step How To Fix Your Own Mobile Phones!
If you find yourself in need of some mobile repair, or want to learn more about it to perhaps start repairing Cell phones for a little extra money this website has theinformation you need
Part 1 : Smartphone Repairs
Part 2: Basic Electronics Declassified: Dota map 6.86 ai.
Part 3: Tools and Test Equipments
Part 4: Schematic Diagrams
Part 7: Integrated Circuits
Part 9 : Troubleshooting